Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A wonderful family and a challenging indoor shoot

I had the pleasure of shooting some photos of a local family this past Sunday.  One of my favorite local families at that!  This is the Rush's.  They have 3 very cute, very well behaved young men.  Their little guy is just all personality.  He would politely stand for his photo and then take off, as soon as he heard the shutter click, to run and find another place to pose in.  His favorite pose was anything that had to do with laying on the floor!  He's got one of those faces and personalities that is hard to resist!

Since I've started in photography, I tend to shoot outdoors and am pretty accustomed to how the sun and shade play into a photo.  I'm not familiar with indoor photography, so this was a bit of a challenge for me and I've discovered I have quite a bit to learn when it comes to using a flash.  I'm one of those people who avoid a flash like the plague.  The Rush's were great!  Very patient with me and completely understanding.  Not surprising, my favorite photos turned out to be ones I took of their oldest son using window light rather than flash!  Go figure!

Thanks, Rush's for asking me to capture your family in time.  I'm looking forward to trying it again - outside - when the weather gets a bit better or even when everything is covered in snow!


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