Friday, February 19, 2010

Fix It Friday Flickr Fun

Gotta love Fix It Friday with i heart faces!  I love this week's picture.  This little girl reminds me of my own and kids are my favorite subject to photograph.

She has the sweetest expression and I love her hands tucked far down in her pockets.  My little one refuses to wear pants without pockets.  She loves to stuff trinkets in ALL the pants pockets and thinks its quite a big deal to have to wear pants without this handy little accessories.

The original photo was underexposed, but a cute shot none the less.

For my "fix", I used Capture NX2 and Color Efex Pro since I don't have Photoshop.  I'm trying hard to not cave into the Photoshop craze since I don't have the money.  Photoshop is very tempting when you look at what other people do with their editing using that program.  Really cool stuff can be done with Photoshop!  Anyway, for my fix I did the following...
  • I sharpened the little girls face by 25% using an unsharp mask.
  • I heightened the contrast and brightness on the girl alone.
  • I added a black and white control point to enhance the tones of these colors.
  • I used a filter called "bleach bypass" which really brightens the whole photo and then toned it down quite a bit with the opacity level.
  • I added a soft "glamour glow" filter to give it a dreamy look.
  • Next I used "colorize" to give the whole exposure a soft mustard color and gently erased some of it back off the little girl.
  • I added a -3 "straighten" to give the photo a slight angle to the left.
  • Next, I erased the building on the left hand side that I felt was distracting.
  • Lastly I added two color borders with a slight vingette blur to soften the color borders I added.

Head over to i heart faces and check out other "fixes" by very talented members or give it a try yourself.  Leave a comment below and tell me what you like/didn't like about my "fix".  Have a great weekend!!

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