Thursday, March 18, 2010

My husband, the basketball coach!

If you know my husband, you know that is a funny statement.  He's definitely outgoing enough to be a coach, just doesn't have a spare minute in his day to devote to something that requires 3 days a week.  But, being the good dad that he is, he reluctantly agreed to do it when his daughter begged him too since there was no other dad who would step up.

I think he's really enjoyed himself, to be honest.  I know the girls really like him.  Although the first night of practice, he had one girl quit, leaving only 6 on the team.  We've only one one game, and that was when another dad stepped in to coach because we were at the circus.  Oh well!  I think this has really been good for him and our daughter.

I've had to be the "assistant" who coordinates the communication to the families.  Let me tell you, that is not my gift.  Beside the fact that the association has switched our practices so many times it's embarrassing, I've also given wrong info via email.  Honestly, it's been confusing to keep track of what time and where practice is.  Just when we thought we had it all figured out, they (association) would switch our gym.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!  :)

Well, my latest mess up was with the photographer.  I had our team scheduled for a Tuesday night at 8pm.  Problem -- I neglected to write on the calendar that we had a game at 7pm at a different location.  So, I had to cancel the photographer and email everybody again (I think I was hiding under the desk at the time).  The photographer was unable to help us out on a different night, so it was up to me.  I figured I could handle the task, but felt like an idiot having to tell the parents that I was going to take their child's picture.  I didn't want anybody to think I did that on purpose.  One way to apologize was to offer the prints really inexpensive, starting at half the price of the original photographer.  I think it all worked out.  Last night was the night.  It took me way longer than the 15 minutes we had originally scheduled with the "pro"....WAY longer, but that's just me.  I'm a little on the slow side.  Here's what we got.


  1. Sorry for the typos!

  2. Kim, I want to thank you for taking the time to check out and comment on my "Feedback Friday". I believe my last edit is also my favorite. It's much more natural than the first color one I did. As for saturating just his lips and sweater, I'm sure my program can do it, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that. My goal is to learn my camera well enough that I don't have to rely on my editing program to have an exceptional picture! Presently I'm learning/weaning myself off of automatic and on to manual. It's a slow process, but I know it'll be worth it! Thanks again for taking your time to comment, I greatly appreciated it!

  3. Nothing like bouncing comments back and forth here! ;) But I've got another question. A gray card...I have Scott Kelby's Photoshop Elements 7 book that has a card in the very back to tear out. It has four squares, one white, black, gray, and camera raw white balance (dingy white looking color). In the book it talks about sticking this card in your first picture so that in following pictures you can correct the white balance. Is this the same thing as a gray card? As for shooting RAW, I'd love to try it, but our computer is so bogged down already that I'm fairly certain it couldn't handle it, but maybe someday! I am so glad to hear some good feedback about one of my pics. Insecurity is a big stumbling block for me and to know that others think I have it in me to forge ahead, is great encouragement! It's so easy to look at others work who we admire and think, I'll never be that good! Besides that, it amazes me how much "good" photography really is in the eyes of the beholder. There will always be someone who thinks what you do is great and someone else who isn't that impressed!


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