Friday, January 29, 2010

Fix-It Friday Flickr Fun

I've decided to try out a new group on Flickr that posts a photo for it's members to edit to their hearts content.  I do not have Photoshop and am  little self conscious about that, so here's my version using the very limited program that I have.  I generally do not like to do much to photos except for a little tweaking here and there and am obviously not used to all the editing that is done now a days.  I'm a natural, classic photographer rather than an artsy type. But for what's it's worth, I gave it a shot.  Leave a comment and share your opinion.  Before and afters....


  1. I find your description offensive. A lot of us "classic type" photographers have learned that even photoshop can make our photos beautiful. It is not just for the artsy type.

    We have learned how to use it and aren't making excuses.

    Serious photographers take the time to keep with the times.

  2. I apologize if I offended you by the way I describe my style. I see a huge difference in artsy and classic. I'm not saying one is preferred over the other. I often wish I was artsy and my favorite photographers that I follow are artsy. It's just not an eye that I have, unfortunatly.

    I would love to have Photoshop, but it is way out of my budget at this point in time. It's not a point of keeping up with the times for me, it's more about keeping up with the Jones' and realizing I can't afford to do it both financially and the time it takes to learn it. I realize it's an extremely hard program to master. I think all the Photoshoppers are highly gifted at what they do. Even the HDR photography that is really kicking off, isn't something that I would probably do, but that doesn't mean I don't admire the outcome or the people who craft their photos.

  3. I should also add that I do have an editing program and use it, it's just not Photoshop.


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