Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Shot in the Dark

This past weekend was Homecoming for Oak Hills High School.  About a month ago, our son asked if we would have dinner for a few of his best high school buds.  Sure!  I thought.  What maybe 4 - 6 couples?  Get to know the kids and see them in something other than their swim trunks.  Sounds fun.  So, I asked, how many friends are we talking?  That's when he started naming.  He stopped around 18.  It was still ok., but to throw a wrench in the equation, it was my friend's wedding.....she's 40.  This is her first marriage, and she had waited a long time for it and I wasn't going to miss it.  Word on the street was that it would be the wedding of the century, for our neck of the woods anyway.  My son wrangled up some of his friend's parents to help out.  People stepped up to the plate to help with the food and there were even a few families that stayed the whole time not only to help feed the kids, but to actually stay later and help clean up!  It's a great thing to know people like that do still exist.

After a few more spontaneous texts from my son announcing so and so now had a date, and just be sure to have food for 30, the day appeared.  I made it off to the wedding of the century, which it really was, and back in time to be here when the parents started coming.  Problem was, everyone was here except for a handful.  They were waiting for the master of the hair to show up to get the girl's hair perfected.  So, I started shooting the teens that were here.  Just wanted them to have one shot with their date, or good friends and then there was to be a group shot.  The lighting was perfection!  Got the shots, waited.....waited....waited....(one of the missing teens was the planner of this whole night - my husband's son!  You know how men always say "your kid" when the offspring of both of you has done something annoying?  Well, technically, he is our son, but he was his son for this post.  :)

I began to say goodbye to Mr. beautiful light and hello to  We broke down and fed the original group and after they had already eaten, we get the call that the hair is done!'s black out.  So, shots of the group and the six kids MIA were all taken in the dark.  I can say, I'm amazed at this incredible Nikon D700 I purchased.  As I looked through the viewfinder, I saw nothing.  Absolutely nothing, but it was able to focus on that nothing and snap a not so horrible photo.  Nothing that compares to Mr. Beautiful Light's gift, but better than nothing.

Would I do it again?  Of course.  What are parent's for?  And, I had the privilege to spend some time with some great parents too.

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